Friday, July 31, 2009

The Lightning Bolt

On May 17, 2009 Usain Bolt set a record for the 150 meter dash in Manchester, England. The previous record timeing was 14.99 seconds but when Bolt steps in nothing will get in the way so the current record is 14.35 seconds. Usain Bolt also holds the record for the most medals won in the olympics for running which is three gold medals. He holds the record for the 50 meter dash, and the 100 meter dash. We shall continue to follow his career.

Christian H.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Alex's Advice Column

Dear Alex,
My mom signed me up for dance camp but I don't like to dance. I'm really bad and I'm afraid I won't make friends. HELP!!

Dear zz,
Is it too late to tell your mom that you don't want to go. I'm sure she'd understand. If it's too late don't worry you'll be learning a lot this summer. I've taken dance classes and I had so mush fun . Don't worry anyone can make friends.

Alex of the Advice Column

Riddles By Colleen and Leonie

1. What time is it when ten elephants are chasing you? Ten after one!

2. What do you call a kitten drinking lemonade? A sour puss!

3. What do lazy dogs do for fun? Chase parked cars!

4. What do sea monsters like to eat? Fish and ships!

5. Why was the baby ant so confused? Because of of his uncles were ants!

6. What do you get when you cross Albert Einstein with Spongebob? Songebob Smartypants!

7. What's in the middle of Paris? The letter R!

8. Why did the river go on a diet? Because it grew a few ponds!

9. Why did Babe Ruth chuck butter out the window? Because he wanted to see a butterfly!

10. Why are most baseball games played at night? Because all of the bats are asleep during the day!

11. Why was Elvis Presley so cool? Because of all his fans!

12. What kind of jackets do firefighters wear? Blaz-zzers!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What is your favorite food
Ice Cream
Other kind of food
Free polls from

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Riddles by Colleen and Leonie

1. What has three feet but cannot move on it's own?
A meter stick

2. A man rides his horse into town on Monday stays for three days and then leaves on Friday. How is this possible?
His horses name is Friday.

3. Where did the Loch Ness monster put on it's sneakers?
In the locker room.

4. What kind of dog likes to be around scientists?
A labratory retriever

5. What did a scientist get when he crossed a cat with a parakeet?
A purakeet.

6. When is the ocean friendliest?
When it waves.

7. What do you call it when Mother Nature crosses an earthquake with a forest fire?
A shake and bake.

8. Where do the best dragon baseball players go?
To the Hall Of Flame.

9. Why was the chef hired to coach the baseball team?
Because he knew how to handle a batter.

10. Where do mummies go swimming?
In the Dead Sea.

11. What did cinderella where when she went to the beach?
Glass Flippers.

The Eccotimes Drawing Contest Winners

Dear Readers,
We have kept you waiting long enough and now without further ado the 2009 Eccotimes drawing contest winners.

In THIRD place we have Chris Hernandez with his creepy monster drawings.

In SECOND place we have Rudy Malcom with his very colorful peecock.

In FIRST place we have Hannah Erikson with her teenage girl that she draws in a lot of different backrounds.

We'd to thank the following people for their very wonderful drawings and hard effort:
Maggie B., Justin H., Gina G., Carly F., Daliah B., Talia G., Emily H., Krissy M., Leonie L., Heather O., Avanika L., and Miki yumoto. Don't forget to check the rest of our newspaper with new articles coming out every Friday and Saturday of the summer. Sincerely founders and editors, Christian H., and Eli L.