Monday, May 11, 2009

Helping the Earth

Helping the earth is a good thing for people, animals and the environment. If we recycle reuse and reduce, our use of natural resources, then we can help the endangered animals and rebuild their habitats. If every person planted one tree we could begin to restore the ozone layer. One of the most important environments is the arctic, it is disappearing. If we plant trees we an change that. We as a community can bring that about.

By, Arielle Z.

The Color Spectrum

Did you know that white light isn’t just white light? It’s all of the colors of the rainbow (spectrum) red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. All these colors mixed together as light produce white. When you shine a white light at a prism, the glass or plastic splits the colors to get these spectrum colors. This theory was proven by Isaac Newton, a very important scientist. To get white light, mix the three primary colors: red, green, and blue. Red and green mixed together is yellow. Red and blue mixed together is magenta. And green and blue mixed together produces cyan. Yellow, magenta, and cyan are all additive (primary) colors.

By Rudy M.

What's New in the Theater?

The new movies are coming out faster than you can say cheese. There is Earth, Hannah Montana the Movie and Monsters vs. Aliens. The movies are all great and I rate what I think in stars. One star being the worst and four stars being the best.

The Hannah Montana Movie: For all the fans of Hannah Montana out there, this is the movie. This movie is about how Miley has to choose between being a pop star and having the life she never got to have back home in Tennessee. This movie features new songs from Taylor Swift, Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus (or Hannah Montana.) In the movie Miley also meets this cowboy adding to the decision. The movie was interesting and if you like Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus you should see this movie. ** I would give this movie 2 and a half stars.

Monsters vs. Aliens: This movie was fantastic in my opinion The 3-D added to the excitement and overall the movie was awesome. This movie is about a girl who was going to get married. Then on her wedding day she was struck by a rocket that contained a substance that aliens need and it made her huge and she was sent away to live with monsters. Then the aliens attack earth and the monsters fight back. My favorite character was B.O.B Bob or a blue jell-o blob but you may think differently. **** I give this movie four stars.

By Samantha D. and Brittany T.

Critics Corner: A Review of the Movie Earth

On a rainy Sunday afternoon, I went to go see the new Disney Natures movie called Earth and it was outstanding. If you like adventure, nature, animals, action and humor, Earth is the right movie for you to see. Its stories go from the Arctic to Antarctica, from the oceans to the rain forest - Earth's got it all. The filming and photography are amazing - you wouldn't believe what they can do with a camera. The movie has never before seen animal behavior and you can learn some really interesting facts. For example, I learned that 3% of the world is covered by rain forest but one third of the world is covered by desert.

This movie is rated G. I highly recommend it and give it four stars.

By Christian H.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spring Word Scramble by Christian H.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _

Riddles by Colleen and Leonie

1 Does it take longer to run from first base to second base or from second base to third base?
A: Second base to third base because there is a short stop in the middle.

2 I am a kind of band that doesn't make music. What am I?
A: a rubberband

3 What has four wheels and flies?
A: a garbage truck

4 I am always coming but never arrive. What am I?
A: tomorrow

5 I am a nut that has no shell. What am I?
A: a doughnut

Japanese to English Translation

tree- ki
grass- kusa
cap- kappu
tea- ocha
sun- ohisama
cold- samui
snow- yuki
play- asoba
everyone- minna
sky- sora
earth- chikyuu

by Miki Y.

Alex's Advice Column

Dear Alex,

My friend gets mad at me really easily. What should I do?

From, O

Dear O,

Maybe you should watch your words or hold your own temper and be nice to her when she gets mad. I don't know exactly what problem she has but here are some other ideas:
1. Do nice things for her.
2. Get mad and make her feel how you feel.
3. Tell her how you feel.
4: Don't do anything. Ignore her!

From, Alex of the Advice Column

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swine Flu

As everyone knows, swine flu is all over the world. Almost every state in the U.S. has reported a case, and two people have died in the U.S. People think it started in a small town in Mexico with a five-year-old boy. He has recovered. In China, people are being quarantined if they come in contact with someone with the flu or if they have the flu. Mexicans in China have been quarantined also. We are not sure when it will end.

By Maggie B.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Puzzling Patterns

On Mars there are interesting patterns located in different areas of the planet. They are outstandingly big, but with the help of a satellite, it zooms out and takes pictures and makes them look smaller than then they really are. One pattern is of a ruler wearing his crown. It is eleven miles wide. You can make out the crown, the eyes, the mouth, and the nose Another pattern is an ancient Egyptian queen's (Nefertiti's) head with her hat. A very interesting pattern is a dolphin. Many wonder if these patterns were made by Martians, but scientists think that these are all just natural geographical formations. But we won't know until, if the day comes, we meet a Martian and communicate with them. Until then, we will have to just wait and see.

By Rudy M.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Japanese Translations

Good bye--------------Sayonara
Thank you-------------Arigatou
You are welcome--------Douitashimashite
Good morning----------Ohayow
Good evening-----------Konbanwa
Good night-------------Oyasuminasai
How are you?-----------Genkidesuka

Classroom words

Pencil Case--Fudebako

By Miki Y.

Facts about CFL Lightbulbs

1. CFL stands for compact flourescent lightbulbs.

2. There are screw-in CFLs and plug-in CFLs.

3. You can save up to $68.00 by using a CFL instead of a regular bulb every month.

4. CFLs are 10 times more expensive than regular lightbulbs but last ten times longer than regular ones.

5. By replacing a single regular bulb with a CFL bulb, you can keep a half a ton of CO2 out of the air over the life of the CFl bulb. (CO2 is bad for the air.)

6. If everyone in the U.S. used CFL bulbs, we could get rid of about 90 power plants which is enough to stop global warming.

by Michael N.