Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baseball Fever

Baseball has just started and every fan would do anything to see a game. Unfortunately whenever the season starts tickets cost a lot of money. The Mets just opened a new field called Citi Field. It is named after Citi Bank who paid the Mets $400,000,000. The Yankees also opened a new stadium called Yankee Stadium (like the old one). I hope both teams enjoy playing in their new stadiums. This year the teams have gotten a lot of new players and have improved their teams. People seem to always want to know what the baseball scores are so now on some airplanes, cruises and on the ipod touch they will be telling you the baseball scores. Baseball, football and basketball are three of the main sports in America. More than 75,959,167 people attend baseball games every year. Some say baseball will be better than ever in 2009. I hope you will enjoy baseball in 2009 because I know that I will.

Eli L.

Did You Know by Christian

Did You Know...
That President Obama got the queen of England an ipod as a gift last time he visited her.
That the Obamas finally got their dog. It is a Portuguese Water Dog named Bo.
That the last three prime ministers of Denmark have the last name of Rasmussen and none of them are related to each other.
That Hannah Montana The Movie made 34 million dollars the weekend it opened.

The Advice Column

Advice Column
Dear Alex,
I want to know what to get my mom for Mothers Day. She always says she loves my presents but she doesn't convince me. What should I do?
From, L.
Dear L., I can't read your mom's mind but I can tell you what type of thing she would love. You just need to create something nice yourself and put a lot of effort into it. If she can tell that you really tried then she will really like it.
From, Alex of the advice column

Jokes by Krissy

Q- Why did the chicken cross the park?
A- To get to the other slide!

Q- Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
A- He didn't have the guts to do it!

Q- How do chiropractors swim laps?
A- They do the back stroke!

Q- When do kangaroos celebrate their birthdays?
A- On leap year!

Q- What do you always get on your birthday?
A- One year older!

Riddles by Colleen and Leonie

There is a round house. The father got hurt. Who did it? The mom said that she didn't do it because she was cooking. The son said that he didn't do it because he was outside playing. The maid didn't do it because she was sweeping the corners of the house. WHO DID IT?

The maid did it because there are no corners in a round house.

There is water all around you but nothing to drink. Why is that?

The water is salt water.


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